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Markdown Workspace

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Project Overview 🚀

This repository is a comprehensive template for working with Markdown files, equipped with tools for formatting, linting, spell checking, link validation, and more. Ideal for documentation projects, blogs, or any Markdown-heavy projects.

Features ✨

  • Formatting: Maintains consistent style across Markdown files using Prettier.
  • Linting: Enforces Markdown standards and best practices with markdownlint.
  • Link Checking: Validates internal and external links to prevent broken URLs.
  • Spell Checking: Detects and highlights spelling errors in Markdown files.
  • Table of Contents (TOC): Automatically generates and updates TOCs for large files. (Note: Redundant if using MkDocs, as it generates TOCs automatically.)
  • Live Preview: Provides a local preview of documentation as a website using MkDocs.
  • Static Site Generation: Converts Markdown files into a fully functional static website with MkDocs.
  • Automated Deployment: Deploys documentation to GitHub Pages via GitHub Actions or the mkdocs gh-deploy command.
  • Pre-commit Hooks: Automates quality assurance checks before each commit with pre-commit.

Installation 📦

This setup is designed for GitHub Codespaces. Running locally has not been tested and may require additional configuration.

Usage 🛠️

The following scripts are available for managing and checking Markdown files:


  • Run Prettier to format Markdown files:

bash npm run format:code


  • Lint Markdown files with markdownlint-cli:

bash npm run lint:markdown

  • Check Links in Markdown files to prevent broken URLs:

bash npm run check:links

Spell Checking

  • Run Spell Check on Markdown files:

bash npm run check:spelling

Table of Contents Generation

  • Generate or Update TOC in Markdown files containing the [[toc]] placeholder:

Add the [[toc]] placeholder where you want the TOC to appear in your Markdown files. For example:

```markdown # My Project

## Table of Contents


## Section 1

Content for section 1.

### Subsection 1.1

Content for subsection 1.1.

## Section 2

Content for section 2. ```

Then run the following command to generate or update the TOC:

bash npm run generate:toc

  • After running the command, the [[toc]] placeholder will be replaced with a dynamically generated Table of Contents:

```markdown # My Project

## Table of Contents

## Section 1

Content for section 1.

### Subsection 1.1

Content for subsection 1.1.

## Section 2

Content for section 2. ```

Live Preview with MkDocs

  • Preview Markdown files as a website using MkDocs:

bash npm run docs:serve

  • Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser to see the documentation.

Build Documentation with MkDocs

  • Build static site from Markdown files using MkDocs:

To create a static website from your documentation, run the following command:

bash npm run docs:build

This command will generate a site directory containing the built static files. You can serve these files with any web server or use them for deployment.

Deployment to GitHub Pages

  • Deploy your documentation to GitHub Pages with MkDocs:

  • Ensure your repository is set up with a mkdocs.yml configuration file and the documentation source files.

  • Deploy your documentation using one of the following methods:

    a. Manual Deployment: Run the following command to manually deploy the documentation:

    bash npm run docs:deploy

    This command will:

    • Build the static site.
    • Push the site directory to the gh-pages branch of your repository.

    After deployment, your documentation will be available at:

    plaintext https://<username><repository-name>/

    b. Automated Deployment with GitHub Actions: The project includes a GitHub Actions workflow (.github/workflows/deploy.yml) that automatically deploys the documentation to GitHub Pages whenever changes are pushed to the main branch.

    After deployment, your documentation will be available at the gh-pages branch of your repository:

    plaintext https://<username><repository-name>/

Note: Ensure your repository settings have GitHub Pages enabled, and the source is set to the gh-pages branch.

Contributing 👥

Contributions are welcome! Please read the Contributing Guidelines and check the issues page.

License 🛡️

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Contact 📬

For questions, reach out via or open an issue.

This document is based on a template by Evgenii Shiliaev, licensed under CC BY 4.0. All additional content is licensed under LICENSE.